/Products/Grocery/Gluten-Free Foods/G/F Rasp. Linzer Assort. Cookie

G/F Rasp. Linzer Assort. Cookie

Product ID: FDMD04843

MFG: My Dad's Cookies Gluten Free

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$6.99 / ea
Great tasting crisp cookies with an assortment of festive and colorful The ultimate treat for the indecisive cookie lover – our 20 Count Assortment features 6 of our best-selling flavors!

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A 20 Count Assortment of our top gluten-free cookies (3 Chocolate Graham, 3 Chocolate Fancy, 3 Raspberry Linzer, 3 Chocolatta, 3 Vanilla Graham, 5 Chocolate Chip)

contains bioengineered food ingredients