7-Grain Rolled

Product ID: 18040

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qt / 1.53 lb @ $2.59 per lb / $3.96
Rolled and Flaked 7-Grain Mix with Flax is a versatile mix that can be used for baking bread, as a topping, as a cereal (hot or cold) or can even be eaten as a snack directly from the bag! This product is one of Wheat Montana Farms' most popular products and is chemical free and GMO free.

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Ingredients: Hard Red Wheat, Oat Groats, Triticale, Barley, Rye, Soft White Wheat, Spelt, Flax Seed.

Contains: Wheat.


2 to 1 ratio - one cup water to 1/2 cup cereal per serving.

Microwave (one serving) For Chewier Cereal:
Microwave water and salt (to taste) on high in bowl about 2-1/2 min. Stir in 7-Grain
Cereal and microwave on high 2-3 min. Stir.

For Creamier Cereal:
Combine water, 7-Grain Cereal, and salt (to taste) in bowl.
Microwave on high approx. 2-3 min. Stir.

Stove Top For Chewier Cereal:
Boil water and salt (to taste). Stir in 7-Grain Cereal. Cook about 5 min. over
medium heat, stirring occasionally.

For Creamier Cereal:
Combine water, 7-Grain Cereal, and salt (to taste). Bring to boil. Cook about 5 min. over
medium heat, stirring occasionally.